A Master Class for Hungarian chefs : Korean Fermentation

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“Why do Koreans eat so much fermented foods, like Kimchi? What kind of fermented foods are there in Korean cuisine? How can we adapt the Korean fermentation techniques with local & seasonal ingredients?”

This spring, we have organized a special workshop for chefs in Hungary on Korean fermented foods at Korean Cultural Center of Budapest, Hungary. The workshop mainly focused on Jang(Korean fermented sauce) and Kimchi, while emphasizing using local & seasonal ingredients.

The chefs were very enthusiastic to learn the Korean fermentation techniques and there were many follow-up questions & requests for the next workshop.

We are very much pleased to see the upcoming menu with Korean influence at Hungarian gastronomic scene.

All thanks to Zsofia Mautner, a renowned gastronomic influencer of Hungary, for making this happen.

Photo courtesy of Korean Cultural Center of Budapest

The class was featured on multiple media including:
Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism (in Korean)
Korean Culture and Information Services (in English)
Nok Lapja (The Women’s Journal, in Hungarian)
Magyar Hang (Weekly magazine, in Hungarian)


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