Hansik contest 2023 in Budapest, Hungary

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The annual Hansik Contest 2023 (Korean cooking contest) has taken place at Korean Cultural Center in Budapest, Hungary. As well as the last year’s contest, Taeyeon participated as the professional jury.

This year, the theme was “김치 (Kimchi)”. It was such a special experience to see genuine passion & creativity from the contest participants: from “zero waste” kimchi made from leftover vegetables to seasonal kimchi made with Hungarian produce, and even that incorporated a Hungarian traditional dish to kimchi.

The special juries were His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Kyudok Hong, Sonja Kitzinger from Magyar Konyha (the biggest culinary magazine in Hungary), and Barbara Balazs from Noklapja (the biggest women’s magazine in Hungary).

For media coverage:
KOCIS (Korean Culture and Information Service)
Magyar Konyha
Player HU (You can also find our “Pink Kimchi” recipe here)
Munhwa Daily News (in Korean)


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