We’re embarking on a new project: Korean food X Hungarian wine

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We are delighted to announce our new project this year.
This will involve the two cultural icons of Korea & Hungary: Korean food & Hungarian wine.
Teaming up with Zsófia Mautner (Hungarian food writer), Ágnes Herczeg (Hungarian wine specialist), Park Chan-jun (Korean wine specialist), we hope to bring the two culinary cultures and countries together even closer. We believe this will be another milestone, also bringing the industries together too.

To mark the occasion of our project, we have held a Korean food & Hungarian wine tasting session with the guests of honor of the two countries : His Excellency Dr. Szerdahelyi István, Hungarian Ambassador to Korea, representatives of Korean Embassy of Hungary, KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency), Hungarian Wine marketing Agency.

Here are some photos from the event.

More follow up events & details to come soon 🙂


LJnDjWKfe · September 13, 2024 at 12:57


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